Friday, October 29, 2010

2010 Conference Photos Posted

The 2010 Summer Conference sponsored by NECCC is history, but not forgotten. You can now go to the NECCC web site ( to see well over 75 candid photographs from last Summer's Conference. If you attended the conference you will probably recognize yourself or your friends having fun. If you didn't attend the conference, hopefully these pictures will motivate you to attend next summer.

The photographs were taken by Dana Hoffman. Richard Sereque, the NECCC web master, then selected, sequenced, and edited the ones that appear on the web site. Thank you to both of these hard working individuals for making these photographs available.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fall Interclub Competitions Scheduled

The Fall NECCC Interclub Competitions are coming up in the next few weeks. If one of these competitions is close to you, it is an opportunity to see some the best electronic photographs and prints (both color and black & white) produced by New England photography clubs.

The first electronic photograph competition is scheduled for 7:15 p.m. on November 3, 2010, at the Greater Bridgeport Camera Club. The club meets at the first Congregational Church, 2301 Main Street, Stratford, CT.

The first print competition is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on November 18, 2010, at the Quinebaug Valley Photo Club. The club meets at the John Dempsey Center, 376 Pomfret St. (Route 44), Putnam, CT.

Members of NECCC member clubs as well as the general public are welcome to attend both of these competitions. For information on the Winter and Spring competitions in 2011, visit the Interclub Competition page of the NECCC web site.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

New Conference Slide Available

Rick Sereque, APSA, HonNEC, Webmaster for NECCC, recently posted a new digital logo that can be used by member clubs to advertise the 2011 Annual Conference. It available in two sizes, a small size (shown below) and a larger one sized to 1024 x 768 pixels suitable for projection. 

To download either version go to the NECCC Logo page on the Council web site and scroll down to find the logo version you want. Then right click on the log, choose the Save Image As... command, and choose the location where it should be saved.

Once you have a copy be sure to use it as a title slide at the beginning of your electronic competitions and programs and in your newsletters to make your members aware of the conference.