We invite you all to enter!!
Closing February 16, 2012
YOU ARE INVITED - The Greater Lynn Photographic Association invites all photographers everywhere to submit digital images to the GREATER LYNN INTERNATIONAL COLOR EXHIBITION. All phases of the exhibition will be conducted in accordance with the recommended practices of the Photographic Society of America, the Federation Internationale de I'Art Photographique 2012/040 (FIAP), the Canadian Association for Photographic Art (CAPA), and Interessengemeinschaft Internationaler Wettbewerbs-Fotografen 2012/16 (IIWF). There is no restriction on subject matter.
Sponsoring Club: Greater Lynn Photographic Association, Lynn, Massachusetts - with recognition of PSA and CAPA, patronage from FIAP and IIWF.
Judging Location: Greater Lynn Photographic Association Headquarters, 564 Boston Street, Lynn, MA 01905
Eligibility: Open subject matter, CPID exhibition. Acceptances for PSA star rating are eligible in the CPID. Please read all the Entry Rules and Instructions before entering the exhibition.
Format: Digital images online, digital images on CD.
Fees: No entries will be accepted without payment of entry fees.
North American: $8
Foreign: $11
Foreign club (7 or more catalogs returned in same packet): $8
USA clubs (7 or more catalogs returned in same packet) $6
GLPA members $5
Foreign multiple (3 or more catalogs returned in same packet): $10
Payment by PayPal, US checks, US cash or Euro.
Closing Date Feb. 16, 2012
Judging - 8:30 a.m. Feb. 25, 2012
Judging - 9:00 a.m. Feb. 26, 2012
Report Cards Mar. 9, 2012
Accepted Entries Returned April 23, 2012
Catalogs Mailed April 23, 2012