Wednesday, October 24, 2012

6 One-Day Workshops - shiv verma | photography

These are the most popular workshops I conduct so please register early as these fill up fast.  In addition there is space available for the Bosque del Apache, Iceland and India Photo Tours and Workshops.  Call me at 617-759-0010 if you want more information.
A new "The Basics of Photography" workshop has been added.  This is for all beginners and intermediates - let your friends know.

December 8, 2012 – The basics of Photography - Click Here for details
December 9, 2012 – Lighting Workshop - Click Here for details
December 15, 2012 - Lightroom 4  for Digital Asset Management and Image processing- Click Here for Details
December 16, 2012 – Macro and Close-Up photography – Click Here for details
December 22, 2012 – Macro and Close-Up photography – Click Here for details
December 23, 2012 – NiK Software Plugins for Lightroom and Photoshop – Click Here for details
More at

Friday, October 19, 2012


The Women Divers Hall of Fame
in Journalism, Graphic Arts, or Photography,
sponsored by Deb Greenhalgh

A $1,500 scholarship will be awarded to a woman diver who is furthering her education beyond high school in the field of journalism, graphic arts, or photography to better serve the ocean environment or ocean community. The scholarship is intended to assist with college tuition/fees or may be used to support an internship program at an accredited university.
Learn more about Elizabeth Greenhalgh.
The scholarship deadline is 15 Nov 2012 and application details can be found at