Hansche-Godin, MNEC (MA) Basic Camera
Do you have a digital camera but never take it off
of automatic? Do you want to learn how
your camera works so you can improve your images? Learn about the basic operation of digital
cameras so you can take control of your photography. This class will cover basic lighting, ISO,
image quality, exposure, white balance, shutter speed and the effects of
aperture on your final image. Learn why,
when and how to use various modes on your digital camera including various
flash modes. Whether you use a
point-and-shoot or a DSLR camera, understanding the function of the camera will
help you create better images.
(B, 60 min)
Rick Cloran, FPSA, MPSA, MNEC (MA) Basic Image Processing
this program Rick will walk through the key basic steps in processing images.
Rick will use Photoshop Elements 9 as an example in this presentation; however,
the workflow and adjustments will be similar in other image editing software.
The coverage will center on the “Full Editor” in Elements. We will start at the
beginning with initial processing on Raw and Jpeg images. Coverage will
continue by examining key techniques such as eliminating color casts, setting
black and white points in an image, and techniques for dealing with over and
under exposure. Core editing tools such as the Healing tools, Clone tool (aka
rubber stamp tool), Magic Wand, Quick Select, and Sharpening tool will be
explored. We will examine layers and adjustment layers as well as the basic use
of layer Blend Modes and masks. We will finish up by touching on sizing and
sharpening images for different uses and the often overlooked step of making
sure the image is in the correct color space for the intended use. (B, 90 min)
Musinsky, MNEC (MA) Printing quality photos from your home printers for
Learn everything you need to know about
how to get quality prints from your home printer. We will discuss what makes a
quality print, basic color management, and the different types of inks and
papers. Printer settings will be
demonstrated. Examples of prints with
different papers and settings will be available for comment and discussion. (B,
60 min)