AUG 2nd to SEPT 13th DAYS 10:00am-12:30pm EVENINGS AUG 3rd to SEPT 14th 6:30pm to 9:00pm both held by David Petty: DAY: EVENINGS: COURSE OVERVIEW What makes a good black and white photograph? At the heart is the ability to "see" our color world in black & white. Learning this skill takes good instruction and practice. In this course, you receive both as you're guided through projects at a reasonable pace while developing your eye for black and white imagery. Classroom instruction will include pre-visualization, b&w composition, color to b&w conversion, digital effects and techniques. We will look at both the camera controls and exposure techniques needed to capture workable image files for B&W process. Through in-studio shooting & assignment projects, you will explore a variety of subject matter from landscapes, portraits, spaces and objects as well as a Concept Project expressing an idea with visual emotion. Many students who have taken this class say it is a "break-through" class where your creativity and technical skills combine to bring your photography to the next level.608= PREREQUISITE •Required equipment: DSLR Camera & Tripod •Editing software such as Lightroom, iPhoto, Photoshop •Should have an understanding of basic photographic principles