Shape the fall colors and characters of Maine using Adobe Lightroom to reach your creative vision.
This workshop is perfect for emerging and experienced photographers who are driven to make better photographs. Our week is a marriage of guided fall color shooting in classically beautiful coastal Maine, and learning the best of Adobe Lightroom. Through presentations, demos, reviews and patient coaching, students immerse themselves into an exciting week of inspired play, practice and deep learning. On shooting trips to record the light and textures of mid-coastal Maine, David shares many tools, options and favorite techniques for capturing each subject in the changing light we encounter. Returning to the digital lab with fresh images and excitement, participants learn how to convert, edit and organize captures, and expertly control qualities of color, lighting, sharpness, sensor noise, distortion, toning, B+W conversions and even creating slideshows, web galleries and books.
Our lab is fully-equipped with fast computers, scanning, printing and a ton of loaner gear from Canon, Nikon and Zeiss. No prior experience in Lightroom is required. An appetite for lobsters and laughs is recommended.
david julian : photographer, illustrator & educator
cell: 206-364-9077
web: DavidJulian.comlearn: Photography,Travel, Photoshop & Lightroom workshopsread: Publications in arts magazinesblog: "Notes From a Creative Soul"
cell: 206-364-9077
web: DavidJulian.comlearn: Photography,Travel, Photoshop & Lightroom workshopsread: Publications in arts magazinesblog: "Notes From a Creative Soul"
Autumn Photography and Creativity in Lightroom at Maine Media WorkshopsOne Week: October 12 – 18, 2014, in picturesque mid-coast Maine
Workshop Fee: $1,195
Please read full description here