Saturday, February 14, 2015

NECCC Due Dates Extended

Dear NECCC Club Presidents and Reps,
Due to the recent storm activity and the fact that many clubs have had to postpone their meetings, NECCC has decided to extend the deadlines for the 4 NECCC services that were due March 1, 2015.
The new due date is March 15, 2015

The deadlines for 4 NECCC services are still rapidly approaching:

* March 15, 2015, Honors Applications
* March 15, 2015, Courtesy Enrollment for Conference registration
* March 15, 2015, Scholarship Applications
* March 15, 2015, Sponsorship of high school student to the conference

Information on all of these services was included in the Club Services Package mailed to you last August. 
All this information and much more can be found at under club packet.

Best regards,
Jacob Mosser, FPSA, EPSA, HonNEC
Courtesy Enrollment Chairman