70th NECCC Annual Photography Conference
Fine Arts Theater Saturday Night
Going Wild with Ron Magill
Sponsored by Nikon
From the exhibits in your local zoo to the peak of Mount
Kilimanjaro, whether photographing polar bears in the subfreezing
temperatures of the arctic or lions on the scorching
plains of the Serengeti, Ron has been able to capture wildlife in
a way that has inspired people around the world. He will share
his amazing stories about his encounters with wildlife and will
show you how to get the most with what you have while
learning that wildlife photography can be enjoyed by anyone
with a yearning for adventure. Our speaker has worked with
wildlife for over 35 years as Zoo Miami’s Media Relations
Director and “Goodwill Ambassador”. Ron has made frequent
television appearances including The Today Show, David
Letterman, Dateline and CNN. He has traveled extensively
throughout Africa, India, and Tropical America producing many
wildlife articles and award winning photographs while
developing and directing conservation projects and Emmy Award winning documentaries focusing
on the wildlife of those regions.