Full report posted on the NECCCwebsite interclub competition page
The NECCC Spring 2016 competition was hosted by the Upper Cape Camera Club, and was held on
April 27, 2016 in Falmouth, MA. The competition was directed by Walter Knox, President of Upper
Cape Camera Club. Jen Kano ran the competition, recorded results and explained the intricacies of the
competition to those in attendance. Back up to computer entries was provided by Barbara Hecker and
Frank Fernino. Milt Williamson was instrumental in arranging for competition judges. Assistance for the
evening was also provided by Milt Williamson, Debby McIntosh and Nancy Walbek. The Upper Cape
Camera Club also extends its thanks to the Boston Camera Club for the loan of their Judging System
hardware and keypads.
Forty-three clubs participated in the Pictorial section (19 from Class A and 24 from Class B) and fortyone
clubs participated in the Nature section (16 from Class A and 25 from Class B). Thanks are extended
to the Upper Cape Camera Club for hosting this final competition of the 2015-16 season.
The competition was judged by:
Mike DiStefano
Bob Singer
Mike Karchmer
NECCC Spring 2016 Electronic Interclub Competition