Thursday, January 23, 2014

10 Tips For Creating Tack Sharp Photos - A photographer's guide to sharper images

 10 Tips For Creating Tack Sharp Photos - A photographer's guide to sharper images 


Hey there fellow photographer,
I put together an eBook entitled: " 10 Tips For Creating Tack Sharp Photos - A photographer's guide to sharper images " which provides tips and trick to create sharper images "in camera" and NOT "in photoshop". Getting it right in the field reduces the amount of time in front of the computer while allowing us to spend more behind the camera. For the rest of this month I'll be giving this eBook away completely free of charge with absolutely no obligation. If you gleam even one good tip that you will use moving forward, I would love to hear from you and by all means please share it with a fellow photographer! Here's to sharper images! Joseph Link to eBook: 10 Tips For Creating Tack Sharp Photos